Bertha Pitts Campbell

Founder Bertha Pitts Campbell was born on June 30, 1889, in Winfield, Kansas. She grew up in Montrose, Colorado. Soror Campbell was the only Black student enrolled at her school and graduated valedictorian of her class in 1908. She enrolled at Howard University in 1909 and entered the Teacher’s College. On March 3, 1913, she participated in the Woman’s Suffrage March, Delta’s first public act as a Sorority. After graduation she taught in Topeka, Kansas for a year and then returned to Howard to assist in the women’s dormitory. Founder Campbell moved with her husband to Seattle in 1923. On April 17, 1933, she was among eight women who chartered Alpha Omicron Chapter, the first Black Greek organization in the Pacific Northwest. A civil rights activist, in the early 1930s Founder Campbell was an organizer of the Seattle Urban League and served on its first board. She also volunteered with the Phillis Wheatley Branch of the YWCA and was the first black woman to vote on the local YWCA board. Founder Campbell was a charter member of the Christian Friends for Racial Equality, an inter-racial organization that promotes understanding among racial groups. Founder Campbell was a lifelong member of the First African Methodist Episcopal Church (FAME).
On August 2, 1981 at the age of 92, Founder Campbell led 10,000 sorors down Pennsylvania Avenue commemorating the Founders participation in the 1913 Suffrage March. She refused to ride in the limousine that was provided for her. Founder Campbell received numerous awards for her work in civil rights. On her 100th birthday she celebrated with friends, family, sorors and political leaders. The King County Council declared it to be Bertha Pitts Campbell Day throughout King County. Founder Campbell died on April 2, 1990 at the age of 100. Upon her death Founder Campbell bequeathed $6,000 to the Sorority for the Bertha Pitts Campbell Scholarship. The annual scholarship is awarded to members for graduate or undergraduate study in the area of Education.